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Teiid 8.4

LDAP Translator

The LDAP translator, known by the type name  ldap , exposes an LDAP directory tree relationally with pushdown support for filtering via criteria. This is typically coupled with the LDAP resource adapter.

Execution Properties  





Default Base DN for LDAP Searches



Default Scope for LDAP Searches. Can be one of SUBTREE_SCOPE, OBJECT_SCOPE, ONELEVEL_SCOPE.



Restrict Searches to objectClass named in the Name field for a table



Use a PagedResultsControl to page through large results. This is not supported by all directory servers.



Set to true to throw an exception when a SizeLimitExceededException is received and a LIMIT is not properly enforced.


There are no import settings for the ldap translator; it also does not provide metadata.

Metadata Directives

String columns with a default value of "multivalued-concat" will concatinate all attribute values together in alphabetical order using a ? delimiter. If a multivalued attribute does not have a default value of "multivalued-concat", then any value may be returned.

Native Queries

LDAP procedures may optionally have native queries associated with them - see  Parameterizable Native Queries. The operation prefix (select;, insert;, update;, delete; - see the native procedure logic below for more) must be present in the native-query, but it will not be issued as part of the query to the source.

Example DDL for an LDAP native procedure
CREATE FOREIGN PROCEDURE proc (arg1 integer, arg2 string) OPTIONS ("teiid_rel:native-query" 'search;context-name=corporate;filter=(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(!cn=$2));count-limit=5;timeout=$1;search-scope=ONELEVEL_SCOPE;attributes=uid,cn') returns (col1 string, col2 string);

Parameter values have reserved characters escaped, but are otherwise directly substituted into the query.

Native Procedure

This feature is turned off by default because of the security risk this exposes to execute any command against the source. To enable this feature, override the translator property called "SupportsNativeQueries" to true. Look for  Override Execution Properties above.

LDAP translator provides a procedure with name  native  that gives ability to execute any ad-hoc native LDAP queries directly against the source without any Teiid parsing or resolving. The metadata of this procedure's execution results are not known to the Teiid, and they are returned as object array. User can use  ARRAYTABLE construct to build tabular output for consumption by client applications. Since there is no known direct query language for LDAP, Teiid exposes this procedure with a simple query structure as below


Delete Example
SELECT x.* FROM (call pm1.native('delete;uid=doe,ou=people,o=teiid.org')) w,
 ARRAYTABLE(w.tuple COLUMNS "updatecount" integer) AS x

form the above code, the " delete " keyword followed the "DN" string. All the string contents after the "delete;" used as DN.

Create or Update

Create Example
 (call pm1.native('create;uid=doe,ou=people,o=teiid.org;attributes=one,two,three', 'one', 2, 3.0)) w,
 ARRAYTABLE(w.tuple COLUMNS "update_count" integer) AS x

form the above code, the " create " keyword followed the "DN" string. All the string contents after the "create;" is used as DN. It also takes one property called "attributes" which is comma separated list of attributes. The values for each attribute is specified as separate argument to the "native" procedure.

Update is similar to create

Update Example
 (call pm1.native('update;uid=doe,ou=people,o=teiid.org;attributes=one,two,three', 'one', 2, 3.0)) w,
 ARRAYTABLE(w.tuple COLUMNS "update_count" integer) AS x

By default the name of the procedure that executes the queries directly is called  native , however than can be set via an override execution property in the vdb.xml file.

JCA Resource Adapter

The resource adapter for this translator provided through "LDAP Data Source", Refer to Admin Guide for configuration.

JBoss.org Content Archive (Read Only), exported from JBoss Community Documentation Editor at 2020-03-13 12:42:37 UTC, last content change 2013-06-11 13:51:32 UTC.